Archive for the ‘SEO’ Category

  • Troubleshooting a Sudden Crash in Google Rankings

    The realization that your website has dropped out of Google rankings for all your major keywords is gut wrenching. It’s not unlike watching your stock portfolio value plummet — and it could have similar financial consequences. Search engine rankings can free fall without warning or clear explanation. But in many cases, there are things you […]

  • When more traffic doesn’t always mean more business.

    A study of 150 websites in 5 locally relevant industries (dentists, lawyers, restaurants, roofers, and mechanics) across 3 U.S. markets. We analyzed what percentage of them have included certain “trust signals” into their site experience. Trust Signals are aimed to increase credibility among web visitors, many of which are prospective customers. Our findings are below. […]

  • 6 SEO Diseases and Disorders | Infographic

    SEO is a tough business. Google keeps changing their algorithm. The rankings are not an exact science. There is a lot we don’t understand and that we can’t explain. Also the industry is saturated with self proclaimed experts who tout their own methods. It is hard to know what we should be doing to best […]

  • 3 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Blog

    Blogs aren’t just for egocentric homebodies, modern adventurers, and opinionated loudmouths. If your business doesn’t already have a blog, you’re missing out on one of the simplest and cheapest ways to dramatically improve your company’s online presence. Here are 3 reasons you shouldn’t wait any longer to create a company blog. 1. Fresh, relevant content […]

  • King Kong and King Content: A Case Study in Content Recycling

    King Content The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. – Ecclesiastes 1: 9 It’s all been done before – Barenaked Ladies In the time since Al Gore invented the internet the […]