Archive for the ‘SEO’ Category

  • Measuring Your Online Media Campaigns with Metric-Based Analytics

    An Adaptation of our very own Jeremy Albrecht’s recent presentation at UTC Events Digital media is a great way to tell your small businesses story, and if you are doing it right you can build your brand awareness while improving your bottom line. Understanding how to determine the successfulness of your digital media campaign can […]

  • Understanding Local: New Google Business Guidelines Update

    Earlier this month, Google updated their “My Business” guidelines. Local business owners see these and have a tendency to start to panic. Our advice to you is STOP, take a breath, and continue reading. 2 Most Important Highlights From the Update: Descriptors In Your Business Name Are No Longer Allowed Back in February, Google released […]

  • The Ins and Outs of Revamping a Website

    At some point in time, every website faces the “must be revamped” stage. While this is a great thing for the visitors, it can be a real pain for the people actually doing the enhancements. Taking a website that looks like it was designed by your not-so-tech-savvy grandparents and transforming it into something from this […]

  • Beware of the Content Bandwagon – [How to Write Effective Web Content]

    I can’t go anywhere without hearing about how content is king and your content strategy is the future. With the content bandwagon moving at high speeds, it amazes me to see how little useful content is actually being produced. I currently work on sites with high bounce rates and very low time on site metrics. […]

  • SEO for The Average Joe: Keyword Research

    If you haven’t heard that keyword research is one of the most important steps for an effective SEO foundation, now you have. It is the foundation of all other SEO activities. Finding and targeting good SEO keywords will guide the content on your site, help find relevant links, and target the most relevant group of […]