Image Formats

Digital images and photographs come in a wide variety of file types and formats – far too many, in fact, to explain all of them in one sitting, and each format has its own unique uses and advantages. While it is great that each particular application can have its own particular image format, on the […]

Everyone Needs a Website

In these increasingly technology-focused world, it seems like everyone and their dog have websites. But does your little, old landlady with a hobby for knitting sweaters for her cats really need a website? Do you? Why Your Business Needs a Website If you own a business or are part of a business, it’s clear that […]

Why You Should Hire a Professional Web Design Firm

You may have heard stories about people who have hired web firms to design and develop their websites and either got a less than standard site design or the developer ran off with the money. There are also stories about people who recruited their nephew’s best friend’s boyfriend to design a site for free and […]