How User Experience Influences SEO

Creating a great website is one thing, but generating the traffic you need to drive sales is another challenge altogether. Unfortunately, millions of business owners across the world struggle with search engine optimization, even after they have focused on generating unique content and filling their blogs with the perfect keywords. However, one aspect that many budding web designers struggle with is user experience.

What Is User Experience?

Put simply, user experience is how visitors interact with your site, and what they think of your page after they are done. While an easy-to-use website prompts visitors to navigate deeper into other pages of the website exposing them to more content, a confusing page might prompt them to jump ship sooner—which can hurt that specific pages visibility significantly. In fact, research has shown that visitor behavior affects organic rankings, with over 70% of users abandoning pages if the content is confusing and unoptimized. Fortunately, you can improve your website’s search engine optimization by focusing on user experience.

5 Easy Ways to Improve User Experience

Make Content Easy To Scan

Web readers like content that gets right to the point, which is why you should avoid packing your pages full of single-spaced text. Instead, use white space and formatting marks like bullets, headers, and italicized text. Focus on quality over quantity, and don’t be afraid to link to your sources.

Avoid Background Music

Just because you can make your favorite song autoplay whenever a new user visits your website doesn’t mean you should. In addition to potentially annoying anyone who visits your website, background music can slow down your page and make it hard for people to visit your website in public settings like their office.

Focus On Page Speed

Research has shown that 87% of users tend to abandon webpages that load slower than two seconds, which is why you should do everything you can to ensure fast page load speeds and that your website is mobile responsive. Avoid adding things like images that are bigger than they need to be, interactive tools that don’t need to be there, and bulky, inefficient code.

Use Great Pictures

Great pictures do more than make your website more interesting. With the right images, you can create the exact look and feel that you are going for, which can put people in the right frame of mind to spend some time on your website, blog, or online store.

Hire Professionals

If you aren’t sure where to start with improving your user experience, consider hiring a team of professionals to handle the job, such as the experts at Infogenix. In addition to helping with everything from web design to content updates, these professionals understand the intricacies of search engine optimization and can help your website to stand out from the crowd.


Established in 1998 and based in Orem, Utah, Infogenix was built from the ground up to be a different kind of web company. Rather than simply creating a website, Infogenix focuses on the whole of Internet presence, including managing, marketing, and advertising.

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