Demystifying Core Web Vitals for Better SEO

Core Web Vitals have become one of the most talked about topics in SEO over the past couple years. As a leading digital marketing agency in Utah, Infogenix helps local businesses understand and enhance these key indicators of user experience. Optimizing these metrics can lead to better rankings and online success for businesses all over Utah. But understanding what Core Web Vitals are actually measuring and how to improve them is still a challenge for many local businesses in Utah. In this article, we will break down the basics of Core Web Vitals and provides tips to help optimize them.

What Are Core Web Vitals?

Core Web Vitals are a set of three metrics that Google considers essential to providing users with a great experience on both mobile and desktop. The Core Web Vitals include:

  • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) – Measures loading performance. Target is < 2.5 seconds.
  • First Input Delay (FID) – Measures interactivity. Target is < 100 milliseconds.
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) – Measures visual stability. Target is < 0.1.

Google has confirmed Core Web Vitals are being incorporated as a ranking factor. So optimizing them should directly help improve your site’s ability to rank locally in Utah.

Why Core Web Vitals Matter for Utah Businesses

Providing a smooth, seamless experience for users is about more than just moving up in the search rankings. Optimizing Core Web Vitals can provide real business benefits for companies in Utah including:

  • Increased engagement and time on site – Users are less likely to bounce when pages load fast and information is presented smoothly.
  • Improved conversions – Sites with faster load times and interactivity convert better because users can easily find and use information.
  • Brand reputation – Fast, visually consistent page experiences reflect well on a local brand.
  • Lower bounce rates and higher pages per session – Users are less likely to quickly leave your Utah business’s site if it performs well.

There are tangible ROI reasons beyond SEO to prioritize Core Web Vitals. Enhancing user experience can also lead to business increased sales and potential clients depending on your business. Prioritize pages with the poorest performance first which you can find using these tools mentioned in the next section.

Diagnosing Your Core Web Vitals in Utah

The first step is running an analysis to determine where your site currently stands on these key UX metrics. Here are a few different tools that we recommend to help audit your website’s Core Web Vitals:

These tools can help shine a light on any problematic areas dragging down your site’s different metrics and reveal opportunities for quick wins. Working with a web developer and SEO specialist in Utah can help improve your site’s Core Web Vitals significantly. We are happy to help give you insight and expertise to help improve your site.

Optimizing Largest Contentful Paint

Largest Contentful Paint may sound confusing ta first but it actually is what Google uses to measure how long it takes for the largest image or text block to load on a webpage. The longer it takes for a page to load the less likely a user is going to wait and see what is on that page. It’s vital in the age of fast information to have a website that loads quickly and can provide valuable information to users. To improve LCP for Utah businesses, we recommend:

  • Compress images – Use tools like ShortPixel, Optimizilla, or Squoosh.
  • Resize images – Ensure images are properly sized for their containers.
  • Utilize browser caching – Set proper cache headers so resources load from cache on repeat visits.
  • Minify CSS/JavaScript – Eliminate whitespace and condense files.
  • Lazy load resources – Only load assets like images when they enter the viewport.
  • Defer non-critical resources – Download complementary resources after page render.
  • Optimize web fonts – Use font display swap to show fallback font until web font loads.

A fast LCP ultimately comes down to efficient coding, file compression, and resource loading priorities. If you feel that may not be something in your wheelhouse then let us know. We are ready to give you a free site audit & estimate on recommendations that would be best for your site.

Improving First Input Delay

First Input Delay measures the time from when a user first interacts with a page (i.e. clicking a link) to when the browser is actually able to respond to that interaction. To reduce FID for local Utah businesses, we suggest:

  • Minify and concatenate files – Limit requests for faster processing.
  • Optimize images – Compress files and resize responsively.
  • Use browser caching – Allow resources to be locally stored so they don’t need to be re-downloaded each visit.
  • Limit redirects – Redirects delay browser response time.
  • Minimize third party scripts – Only include essential scripts and defer non-critical ones.
  • Optimize web fonts – Use font display swap to show fallback font first.
  • Upgrade to HTTP/2 – Allows for faster transmission of resources.

First Input Delay is very sensitive to any lag in response time. Streamlining resources and limiting processing strain is key for Utah businesses to optimize this metric and improve user’s experience on your site.

Decreasing Cumulative Layout Shift

Cumulative Layout Shift quantifies the instability of visual elements on a web page. To reduce CLS we suggest:

  • Avoid pop-ins – Inserting content late leads to shifting.
  • Add dimensions to images – Specify height and width to reserve space.
  • Embrace skeleton screens – Display placeholders for content before it loads.
  • Avoid too-early resource loading – Defer non-critical resources.
  • Fix improperly embedded media – Prevent content jumping around as it loads.
  • Identify dynamically injected content – Modals, ads and widgets can affect layout.

Cumulative Layout Shift is often triggered by loading in assets too early or too late. Layout stability is about balancing proper timing and space reservation. This can at times get technical and it can take expertise to implement properly. As a digital marketing agency in Utah we have years of experience helping businesses improve their CLS and other core web vitals that have become standard for the web in 2024

Monitoring Ongoing Performance

Optimizing Core Web Vitals is an ongoing process requiring regular audits and monitoring. Infogenix helps Utah companies set up tracking to stay on top of changes:

  • Connect Google Analytics – Review CWV reports and segment by page.
  • Set up Lighthouse CI – Automate Lighthouse audits on a schedule.
  • Try plugin performance monitors – WordPress plugins like Speed Booster provide analytics.
  • Monitor real user data – Google Search Console reports field data on CWV.
  • Check PageSpeed Insights – Easily scan site and see opportunities.

As you continue enhancing elements that impact Core Web Vitals, the metrics should steadily improve across your site. Remember it takes time for optimizations to be reflected in rankings, so have patience and be persistent in making changes as needed to improve your site overall.

Get Your Free Site Analysist Today

By understanding what factors make up the Core Web Vitals, Utah businesses can begin formulating strategies to directly enhance user experience on their sites. Optimizing these metrics not only leads to better SEO, but also provides significant business benefits for your brand’s reputation and bottom line. Let the experts at Infogenix help you demystify Core Web Vitals and improve your online performance both with customers and with search rankings.

Request a Free Site Analysis from Infogenix and we will be happy to assist you in improving your site’s performance for 2024 and beyond!

SEO in 2024: Expert Strategies to Optimize Your Presence This Year

SEO has evolved tremendously over the past few years, with Google’s algorithms becoming increasingly advanced. As we move into 2024, having an effective search optimization strategy tailored to today’s landscape is crucial for success. With over 25 years of experience driving results through expert SEO in Utah, Infogenix has the skills to take your website visibility to the next level this year.

Our data-driven approach delivers targeted content to motivated searchers when they’re ready to take action. We handle every aspect of technical and content SEO, from site architecture to link building, ensuring that every effort contributes to your success in 2024.

Foundational Technical SEO Still Matters

While content may be king for SEO, that content can’t shine if your website has technical issues. Our Utah SEO experts ensure your site has a solid technical foundation, including:

  • Optimized page speed for fast loading
  • A responsive mobile-friendly design
  • Proper header tag structure for accessibility
  • Clean semantics and code for crawler comprehension
  • A sitemap and internal linking for discoverability
  • Analytics integration to track SEO KPIs

Having the technical site architecture dialed in is table stakes for being visible and competitive in 2024. It sets the stage for content to actually get indexed, crawled, and ranked.

Laser-Focused Content Strategy

In 2024, creating targeted, high-quality content is more important than ever. Google’s algorithms have grown extremely adept at analyzing content to determine its relevance and authority.

Our SEO team performs in-depth keyword research to identify topics and questions your audience is searching for answers to. We craft comprehensive, engaging content designed specifically to rank for those terms and provide true value for searchers.

Whether through blog posts, FAQs, guides or other formats, our content targets the needs of real searchers instead of stuffing in keywords. We emphasize expertise and exclusive insights so your content stands out from competitors. This content strategy pushes customers to your site when they’re ready to buy.

The Role of AI Content in 2024 SEO

With AI advancing, tools like ChatGPT can now generate full articles with minimal human input. But AI content lacks true subject matter expertise. While it may seem like a shortcut, low-quality or duplicated AI content can actually hurt your SEO.

Google is quickly getting better at identifying AI-generated content, which lacks the depth and originality that sets authoritative sites apart. Used improperly, it risks search visibility.

However, we believe AI can play a role in 2024 SEO by augmenting human-created content. For example, using AI to analyze competitor content gaps and identify new topics. Or having human writers draft expert content, then using AI to polish and refine it.

The key is having SEO experts involved to oversee and optimize how AI content best supports (rather than replaces) expert-driven content strategies. This allows you to scale content smartly while maintaining quality.

Links Remain Critical for Ranking Authority

Google still factors high-quality links pointing to your site as a ranking signal that your content provides value. Our experienced team incorporates proven white-hat link building tactics into your SEO strategy if it is needed, such as:

  • Content distribution on relevant high-authority sites
  • Guest blogging and contributor outreach
  • Securing backlinks from trusted directories and partners
  • Publishing link-worthy assets like guides, research reports, and tools
  • Pursuing relevant citations on established industry sources

With our niche expertise and content, we can secure authoritative backlinks that Google recognizes as “votes” to boost your site’s relevance for high-value keywords. Links take time to earn, which is why they remain one of our top priorities.

Measure, Analyze and Refine with Data

SEO is a feedback loop based on mountains of data. We dig into the analytics to identify new opportunities and continuously refine your SEO efforts for better results. You’ll receive custom monthly reporting highlighting rankings, traffic, engagement, and other KPIs.

Our team blends this data with the latest search algorithm research to optimize your presence. We’ll spot areas falling short to restrategize and identify winning new content and backlink tactics. Agile, informed optimization is key for impactful SEO through 2024.

The Future of SEO Relies on Expert Guidance

As search algorithms grow more advanced, having an experienced SEO agency on your side is more essential than ever. At Infogenix, we don’t just chase trends – we focus on proven strategies that deliver actual visibility and traffic, month after month.

For a free SEO consultation from one of our experts, contact us today. We’ll assess your current presence and competitor landscape then provide tailored recommendations to strengthen your search positioning in 2024. With Infogenix as your SEO partner in Utah this year, you’ll have the visibility you need to dominate the search results and outperform the competition.

Get the Most from Your Ad Spend In 2024 with Expert PPC Management in Utah

As we move into 2024, the realm of Paid Search Marketing (PPC) has become highly competitive, particularly in the dynamic market of Utah. This increasing competition has elevated the complexity of achieving tangible results from PPC campaigns. The digital landscape today is not just about placing ads; it’s about crafting strategies that resonate with the audience’s evolving behavior and expectations.

In this ever-changing digital environment, Infogenix stands out with our expertise and reliability. With over 25 years of experience in PPC management, Infogenix has honed its skills to navigate the complexities of the digital world efficiently. Located in the heart of Utah, our team has a deep understanding of local market trends and consumer behavior across various cities like Provo, Orem, Salt Lake City, Ogden, Sandy, Lehi, and more. This regional expertise is invaluable in creating PPC campaigns that are not only effective but also resonate with a local audience.

Our approach to PPC management is rigorously data-driven. We don’t just look at numbers; we analyze them to understand what they signify about your audience’s behavior and preferences. This insight allows us to deliver targeted messaging that reaches potential customers precisely when they are most ready to engage. It’s about creating a connection, not just a click.

In 2024, PPC is no longer just about getting your ad in front of as many eyes as possible. It’s about getting it in front of the right eyes. This precision targeting is what makes PPC campaigns managed by Infogenix so effective. We leverage advanced tools and algorithms to dissect and understand search trends, audience demographics, and user intent. This enables us to refine your campaigns continuously, ensuring they remain relevant and impactful in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Infogenix’s comprehensive PPC management covers every aspect of the campaign lifecycle. From the initial planning and strategy development to the ongoing optimization and tweaking of campaigns, we ensure that your ad spend is an investment yielding high returns. Our team is adept at identifying and focusing on the aspects that work, while pruning those that don’t, ensuring your budget is always used effectively.

PPC in 2024 is about smart spending. It’s about understanding the nuances of the digital market and adapting swiftly. As a Utah business, partnering with Infogenix means you’re not just hiring a PPC management company; you’re gaining a strategic partner who understands the unique challenges and opportunities of your local market. Our goal is to ensure that every dollar you spend contributes significantly to your success in this year and beyond.

For Utah businesses looking to make an impact in 2024, the choice is clear. Infogenix offers the expertise, experience, and local knowledge necessary to navigate the complexities of PPC. Contact us for a free consultation to review your PPC needs. Whether you’re looking to refine existing campaigns or build a high-performance program from scratch, Infogenix is your go-to expert for PPC success in 2024

So, if you’re ready to take your business to the next level with PPC advertising, keep reading!

Understanding Your Business Goals

Before starting any PPC management campaign, it is crucial to understand the business goals of the client. At Infogenix, we work closely with our clients to identify their goals and create a customized strategy that aligns with their objectives.

Identifying business goals is the foundation of any successful PPC campaign. It helps us to create a targeted approach that focuses on achieving specific outcomes. For example, if a client’s goal is to increase website traffic, we will create a strategy that focuses on driving more clicks to their website. On the other hand, if a client’s goal is to increase sales, we will create a strategy that focuses on driving more conversions.

Some common business goals that we encounter include increasing brand awareness, generating leads, increasing sales, and improving customer retention. Each of these goals requires a different approach, and we work with our clients to create a customized strategy that aligns with their objectives.

Once we have identified the client’s goals, we conduct a thorough analysis of their industry, competitors, and target audience. This analysis helps us to create a targeted approach that focuses on reaching the right audience with the right message.

For example, if a client’s goal is to increase brand awareness, we will create a strategy that focuses on reaching a broader audience with a message that highlights the client’s unique value proposition. On the other hand, if a client’s goal is to generate leads, we will create a strategy that focuses on reaching a more targeted audience with a message that highlights the client’s specific products or services.

In conclusion, understanding the business goals of the client is the foundation of any successful PPC campaign. At Infogenix, we work closely with our clients to identify their goals and create a customized strategy that aligns with their objectives. By doing so, we can create a targeted approach that focuses on achieving specific outcomes and delivering measurable results.

Keyword Research and Selection

Keyword research is a crucial step in PPC management. It involves identifying the keywords and phrases that potential customers are using to search for products or services related to your business. By selecting the right keywords, you can ensure that your ads are shown to the right people at the right time, increasing the chances of conversions and sales.

At Infogenix, we conduct thorough keyword research to identify the best keywords for our clients. We use a variety of tools and techniques to find relevant keywords, including Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Ahrefs. We also analyze our clients’ competitors to see what keywords they are targeting and how we can differentiate our clients’ campaigns.

Once we have identified a list of potential keywords, we use a combination of data and experience to select the best ones for our clients. We look at factors such as search volume, competition, and relevance to ensure that the keywords we choose will drive high-quality traffic to our clients’ websites.

One of the most important tips for selecting effective keywords is to focus on relevance. It’s not enough to simply choose the keywords with the highest search volume or the lowest competition. You need to make sure that the keywords you select are relevant to your business and the products or services you offer. This will help ensure that the traffic you drive to your website is more likely to convert into customers.

Another tip is to use long-tail keywords. These are longer, more specific phrases that are less competitive but often have higher conversion rates. For example, instead of targeting the broad keyword “shoes,” you might target the long-tail keyword “women’s running shoes with arch support.” This will help you reach a more targeted audience and increase the chances of conversions.

In conclusion, keyword research and selection are critical components of PPC management. By selecting the right keywords, you can ensure that your ads are shown to the right people at the right time, increasing the chances of conversions and sales. At Infogenix, we use a variety of tools and techniques to conduct thorough keyword research and select the best keywords for our clients. If you need help with your PPC campaigns, contact us today to learn more about our services.

Ad Creation and Optimization

Creating effective ads is crucial for the success of any PPC campaign. At Infogenix, we understand the importance of ad creation and optimization, and we work closely with our clients to ensure that their ads are not only eye-catching but also relevant to their target audience.

To create effective ads, we start by understanding our clients’ business goals and target audience. We then conduct thorough research on their industry and competitors to identify the best messaging and ad formats that will resonate with their target audience.

Once we have a clear understanding of our clients’ goals and target audience, we begin the ad creation process. We use a combination of compelling ad copy, eye-catching visuals, and relevant keywords to create ads that will capture the attention of potential customers.

But creating effective ads is only half the battle. To ensure that our clients’ ads are performing at their best, we continuously optimize them based on performance data. We monitor key metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and cost per click to identify areas for improvement.

Based on this data, we make adjustments to the ad copy, visuals, and targeting to improve performance. We also conduct A/B testing to compare different ad variations and identify the best-performing ads.

In addition to ad optimization, we also focus on improving the landing pages that the ads lead to. We ensure that the landing pages are relevant to the ad copy and provide a clear call to action to encourage conversions.

Overall, ad creation and optimization are critical components of a successful PPC campaign. At Infogenix, we have the expertise and experience to create and optimize effective ads that will help our clients achieve their business goals.

Monitoring and Reporting

PPC management is not a one-time task. It requires constant monitoring and reporting to ensure that the campaigns are performing well and meeting the business goals. Monitoring and reporting are crucial to identify the areas that need improvement and to make data-driven decisions to optimize the campaigns.

We use various tools and techniques to track the performance of the campaigns and identify the areas that need improvement. We also provide our clients with regular reports that show the progress of their campaigns and the key metrics that we track.

One of the key metrics that we track is the click-through rate (CTR). CTR is the ratio of clicks to impressions, and it measures the effectiveness of the ads in attracting clicks. A high CTR indicates that the ads are relevant and engaging to the target audience, while a low CTR indicates that the ads need improvement.

Another important metric that we track is the conversion rate. Conversion rate is the ratio of conversions to clicks, and it measures the effectiveness of the landing pages in converting clicks into leads or sales. A high conversion rate indicates that the landing pages are relevant and persuasive to the target audience, while a low conversion rate indicates that the landing pages need improvement.

We also track the cost per click (CPC) and the cost per conversion (CPCo). CPC is the amount that the advertiser pays for each click on the ad, while CPCo is the amount that the advertiser pays for each conversion. These metrics help us to optimize the campaigns to achieve the best possible ROI for our clients.

In addition to these metrics, we also track other key performance indicators (KPIs) such as the quality score, the ad position, and the impression share. These KPIs help us to identify the areas that need improvement and to make data-driven decisions to optimize the campaigns.

Contact Us For A Free Estimate

In conclusion, monitoring and reporting are crucial to the success of PPC management. At Infogenix, we have a team of experts who monitor our clients’ campaigns regularly and provide them with regular reports that show the progress of their campaigns and the key metrics that we track. If you are a Utah business that needs help with your PPC campaigns, please contact us today for a free estimate.

What Exactly Is Lorem Ipsum?


“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit”. If you’ve ever seen this text and been confused about what it means (or even what language it’s in!), you’re not alone. More often than not, whenever lorem ipsum is used it leads to more confusion and questions than anything else. But with a little explanation, lorem ipsum can become something less feared and more understood.

Lorem Ipsum: What, Why, and When

The biggest question that goes unanswered is: Just what is lorem ipsum, anyway? Lorem ipsum is simply placeholder text that’s used to see how graphical elements like fonts, icons, and layouts will look when put together on a page. It has roots in Latin but various words have been altered, added, and removed over time so that the result is purely nonsensical filler text rather than meaningful content.

But why use lorem ipsum when you could just type “test test test” or simple English placeholder text? The problem with using plain text like “test” is that it looks unprofessional and doesn’t give you an accurate idea of how the layout will look with real content in place. Repeating the same short words like “test” over and over can throw off measurements for containers and columns, since real content will have varying word lengths.

Lorem ipsum provides a balance – it’s not distracting and readable like plain English, but also gives you realistically distributed letter and word lengths to see the impact on line wrapping, white space, etc. The nonsensical nature prevents it from attracting too much attention while you focus on design elements.

When Should You Use Lorem Ipsum?

Lorem ipsum is commonly used in:

  • Wireframe design – Place lorem ipsum into simple layout prototypes to get a feel for information hierarchy and positioning without distraction

  • Graphic design – Drop lorem ipsum text into brochures, flyers, posters, etc. to preview typography and determine ideal font sizes/styles

  • Web/UI design – Fill lorem text into page components like headers, columns, sidebars, etc. to gauge spacing, flow, and responsive behavior

  • Presentations – Use lorem ipsum charts/graphs with “dummy data” for concept proofs before real data is available

  • Printing – Lorem ipsum provides realistic text for printer tests to confirm formatting, pagination, etc. without wasting paper

Essentially any time you need placeholder text before final copy is approved, lorem ipsum is the standard dummy text of choice. The filler text allows you to focus on design aesthetics and core functionality rather than getting distracted by draft content.

Lorem Ipsum Generating Tools

Typing lorem ipsum by hand can be tedious, so online lorem ipsum generators make it quick and easy to grab dummy text. Here are some top tools:

  • – Simple lorem ipsum generator with option for paragraphs or a full page

  • – Get lorem ipsum text tailored to various topics like food, movies, travel, etc.

  • – Customize number of paragraphs, sentences, and format (text vs HTML)

  • – For a fun twist, generate bacon-themed lorem ipsum text

Don’t Copy Lorem Ipsum to a Live Website!

One final word of caution when using lorem ipsum – make sure you replace it with real content before your website or materials go live. Search engines penalize pages with “gibberish” text, and visitors expect to see meaningful information on a finished site. Lorem ipsum is for draft purposes only!

The bottom line is that lorem ipsum is a handy text tool for mockups and prototypes, giving you filler copy that looks more realistic than plain “test” text without becoming distracting like actual content. With the multitude of lorem ipsum generators available, it’s easy to grab dummy text and see how your layouts shape up before pouring in the real content.

Get Expert Help with Web Design and Development

Hopefully this article has helped demystify lorem ipsum and illuminated how it can be a useful tool for testing web design and other projects. But lorem ipsum is just one small piece of building a professional digital presence.

For over 25 years, the web design and development experts at Infogenix have been creating custom websites, programming complex web applications, optimizing sites for maximum visibility, and helping businesses succeed online.

With our decades of experience planning, designing, building and launching hundreds of websites, we have the knowledge to make your web presence stand out from competitors and achieve your online goals. Whether you need a completely new website, ecommerce portal, mobile app, visual rebrand, or anything in between, we have the skills to bring your vision to life.

If you’re looking to take your website and online marketing to the next level, contact Infogenix today. Our team would love to discuss your needs and show you samples of our work. With our expertise guiding your project, you can leverage the power of the web to grow your business and connect with customers. Discover how we’ve helped companies thrive online for over 25 years!

6 SEO Best Practices for 2023

With the buzz about AI and replacing humans percolating throughout the industry, is SEO still relevant in 2023? Yes! And more so than ever. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is ever-evolving. As we step into 2023, it’s important for businesses to stay up-to-date with the latest SEO strategies to improve their online visibility and drive traffic to their websites. Although some of these strategies have shown consistent success over the past several years, it’s important to stay informed of the latest developments and trends in the industry to ensure that you’re optimizing your website to its fullest potential.

In this blog post, we’ll be sharing six SEO best practices that you should be implementing in 2023 to stay ahead of the competition and boost your website’s search engine rankings. So, whether you’re a seasoned SEO expert or just getting started, let’s dive in and discover what’s new in the world of SEO.

1. Use AI to Your Advantage

AI, or artificial intelligence, is an efficient tool for SEO for several reasons, but there are cautions to be mindful of. First, let’s talk about the advantages of using AI to help with SEO.

  • Speed and Efficiency: AI can process large data sets and provide insights faster than humans can. This can save SEO experts and marketers a lot of time and effort.
  • Accurate Predictions: AI algorithms can analyze patterns and predict future outcomes with a high degree of accuracy. This can help SEO experts and marketers make informed decisions about their strategies and optimize their efforts accordingly.
  • Competitor Analysis: Knowing what your competitors are doing and what is working for them is an important part of any SEO strategy. AI can do the dirty work for you by keeping a digital eye on the competition and providing valuable feedback and analysis on strategies that are working. This can help SEO experts stay ahead of the curve and optimize their strategies for maximum impact.
  • Keyword Research: Finding the right keywords has always been important for ranking a website for what people are searching. Keyword research can be a long a tedious process. However, AI can simplify this process by assisting in identifying the most relevant keywords, variations, and semantically related terms. Using AI can enable SEO experts to create highly focused and efficient campaigns that resonate better with the target audience.
  • Automation: Routine tasks that take up a lot of time can be automated with AI. As mentioned, AI can automate keyword research, content optimization, and link building, freeing up time for SEO experts to focus on more strategic tasks.

Cautions When Using AI

With all of the great things that come with AI, there are some cautions to be aware of. Here are just a few.

  • As advanced as it is, AI isn’t 100% accurate 100% of the time, it is still learning and can make mistakes. Therefore, it is important to review and verify the information, analysis, and recommendations that AI provides.
  • According to John Mueller on Search Engine Land, Google considers AI-generated content spam. Mueller stated, “Content written by AI falls under the category of auto-generated content, which could lead to a manual penalty.” However, since Google heavily uses AI to improve user experiences, many SEOs argue that if you work through the content to provide a good user experience and don’t use it to spam content, then you should be fine. All we are going to say is, to proceed with caution.

2. Optimize for Your Clients

In the past, many websites were optimized to please search engines to achieve higher rankings on search results pages with the goal of generating more traffic. However, it is a far better strategy to optimize your website to meet the needs of your users. To create a good user experience, here are some tips to follow.

  • Understand your audience: Before optimizing your website, gain as much understanding about your target audience. Use data analytics tools to gather insights about your audience’s demographics, interests, and online behavior.
  • Simplify the navigation: Make sure your website navigation is easy to use and intuitive. Users should be able to find what they are looking for quickly and easily. Use clear and concise language for navigation labels and organize content logically.
  • Provide quality content: Provide valuable and relevant content that meets the needs of your audience. Use simple language, break up content into manageable sections, and use visual aids such as images, videos, and other graphics.
  • Focus on speed: Website speed is critical for the best user experience. No one likes to wait for a page to load. Google considers a mobile site that takes more than 2 seconds to load as too slow. Google prefers a mobile site to load under 1 second and looks at metrics like First Contentful Paint (FCP), Total Blocking Time (TBT), Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS). Ensure that your website loads quickly and doesn’t keep users waiting. Optimize images and videos, use caching, and minimize HTTP requests to improve website performance.
  • Use responsive design: Over 60% of internet traffic comes from a mobile device. Make sure that your website is optimized for all devices, including mobile, desktops, and tablets. Responsive design ensures that your website looks great and functions well on any device.
  • Use clear calls-to-action (CTAs): CTAs are an essential part of turning your site visitors into customers. Use clear and actionable language for your CTAs, and prominently display them in easy-to-find areas. It’s also good to use a few different types of CTAs.
  • Test and iterate: Regularly test your website’s usability and user experience to identify areas for improvement. Use A/B testing and user feedback to continually refine and optimize your website for your users.

3. Write Content for Quick Answers (Voice Search)

Optimizing a website for quick answers, including voice search, involves making changes to the website’s content and structure to provide concise and relevant answers to users’ search queries. Quick answers are the featured snippets that appear at the top of the search engine results page, providing an immediate answer to a user’s question.

To optimize a website for quick answers, the website owner should first identify the most common questions their target audience is asking related to their business or industry. Then, they should create content that answers those questions in a clear and concise manner.

Some key strategies for optimizing a website for quick answers include:

  • Identifying and targeting long-tail keywords that are commonly used in voice search and featured snippets.
  • Structuring the content in a way that is easy to read and understand, with subheadings and bullet points.
  • Including relevant images, videos, and other multimedia to enhance the user’s experience and engagement with the content.
  • Ensuring that the content is up-to-date and accurate.
  • Using schema markup to provide structured data that helps search engines understand the content of the page.

By optimizing a website for quick answers, website owners can increase the visibility of their website in search engine results, attract more traffic, and establish themselves as authoritative sources of information in their industry.

4. Optimize for Mobile First

Mobile-first optimization involves creating a website that is responsive and adapts to different screen sizes and devices. This approach takes into account that mobile devices are becoming the primary device for browsing the internet, and website owners need to ensure that their website is easily accessible and functional on mobile devices.

Some key strategies for optimizing a website for mobile-first include:

  • Using a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes.
  • Prioritizing the most important content and features for mobile devices and simplifying the user interface.
  • Minimizing load times by optimizing images, videos, and other media for mobile devices (decreasing file size, specifying exact image size, and using a mobile-friendly file type).
  • Using mobile-specific features such as click-to-call and location-based services.
  • Ensuring that the website is easy to navigate with a mobile-friendly menu and clear call-to-action buttons.

By optimizing a website for mobile-first, website owners can improve their search engine rankings, increase engagement and conversions, and provide a better user experience for visitors accessing their website from mobile devices.

5. Include Short Videos About Products or Services

As popular social media apps regularly show us, short video clips get attention. Sometimes that attention goes viral. If a product or service brand is attached to the video, the advertising capabilities are priceless because of viral popularity. Short videos also help users gain a better understanding of products or services much more quickly than reading.

Some of the benefits of including short product or service videos include:

  • Improved engagement: Videos are more engaging than text or images alone. By providing a visual representation of a product or service, videos can capture the viewer’s attention and keep them engaged longer, which may increase the chances of them making a purchase or taking action.
  • Increased understanding: Videos can help explain complex products or services in a way that is easy to understand. This can be particularly useful for technical or complicated products or services that may be difficult to explain with text alone.
  • Improved SEO: Including videos on a website can also improve search engine optimization (SEO). Videos can increase the time spent on a page, which can signal to search engines that the content is valuable and relevant. Additionally, videos can be optimized with keywords and tags to help them rank higher in search results.
  • Better conversion rates: According to a study by Hubspot, adding a video to a landing page can increase conversions by 86%. Videos can help build trust with potential customers by providing a more personal and humanized view of a product or service.

6. Optimization for Conversions: Know Your Sales Funnel

A savvy marketer understands the complete customer experience and journey. This creates different sales funnel actions depending on where the customer’s journey is at a given time.

Optimizing a website for conversions means making changes to the website with the goal of increasing the percentage of website visitors who take a specific action, such as making a purchase, filling out a contact form, or subscribing to a newsletter.

Conversion optimization involves analyzing website data, identifying areas that may be causing visitors to leave without taking the desired action, and making changes to improve the user experience and encourage visitors to take the desired action.

Some common techniques for optimizing a website for conversions include:

  • Simplifying the website design and navigation to make it easier for visitors to find what they are looking for.
  • Using clear and compelling calls to action (CTAs) to encourage visitors to take the desired action.
  • Creating landing pages that are specifically designed to convert visitors for a particular product or service.
  • Using A/B testing to test different versions of the website and identify which changes are most effective at improving conversion rates.
  • Making sure the website is mobile-friendly, as an increasing number of visitors are accessing websites on mobile devices.

The ultimate goal of conversion optimization is to create a website that is optimized to convert visitors into customers, subscribers, or other desired actions. By continuously monitoring and analyzing website data and making changes to improve the user experience, a website can become more effective at achieving its conversion goals.

Final Thoughts

A sales funnel is not a static effort to attract people to a store or website. Instead, it requires continuous and proactive optimization to keep up with current trends. Today, a successful sales funnel must capture and retain consumer attention throughout the entire customer journey. As marketers, it is essential to closely monitor and enhance the customer experience as they navigate the funnel.

Additionally, with the majority of sales funnels beginning on smartphones, creating mobile-first content is crucial to creating a memorable experience. Neglecting to optimize for voice searches can result in losing potential customers. To ensure a far-reaching campaign, keyword research is necessary to find the voice searches potential customers are using.

At Infogenix, we are passionate about search optimization and can improve your sales funnel’s effectiveness. Let us help you create memorable customer journeys. Contact us for a free consultation or visit our website for more information.


Established in 1998 and based in Orem, Utah, Infogenix was built from the ground up to be a different kind of web company. Rather than simply creating a website, Infogenix focuses on the whole of Internet presence, including managing, marketing, and advertising.

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