The 3 Types of Logos and What’s Best for You

Your company’s logo is the face of your business and the first impression of your company that most people see. Because of this, logos are very important but what’s in a logo? When working on logo design or logo redesign for your company, there are really just three categories to choose from: text logos, symbol […]

Comic: Chrome Becomes More Popular than Firefox

Earlier this month, StatCounter reported that Google Chrome had finally overtaken Mozilla Firefox in use in the worldwide market. Poor Firefox. Some of our developers have also said goodbye to Firefox, converting over to Chrome as their main browser on their home and work computers. As a tribute to the waning rule of Firefox, we […]

Browser Wars – May Compatibility Be With You

A long, long time ago, in a cyberspace galaxy far away… Mosaic was born—the first global web browser.  So it really wasn’t that long ago, only back in 1993, but in Internet terms, it was a millennium. Since then, dozens of web browsers have come into existence, and most have faded into a distant memory. […]

Infographic: Shopping Cart Abandonment and Tips To Avoid It

As we move into the holiday season, owners of ecommerce systems might want to make sure that they’re doing everything possible to make their online stores easy to use for the thousands of people browsing and purchasing online for this gift-giving season. Don’t let your shopping carts be abandoned on the verge of a sale! […]

Exciting New Features in CSS3

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used to describe the look and formatting of website. The earliest drafts for CSS3, the newest version of CSS, were published in June 1999 but even today most browsers only partially support CSS3. Because not all browsers support CSS3 yet, developers still have to do some […]