5 Must-Do’s In Your 2022 Website Design

Websites are the public face of your business, so you must have everything on it set up in a user-friendly method. Web design is one of the most critical aspects of creating a public image that accurately represents your business.

Planning your website’s design means you have to consider visitor behavior. People visiting your website want to find the information they need quickly. Ideally, navigating to the most popular places on your website will take a maximum of three clicks. Consider these five tips to boost your company’s website design in 2022:

#1: Organize the Web Design

A website that’s neatly organized can help visitors find what they need quickly. The focal point for most websites is the upper center of the page. This is where a customer’s eyes will land just below your logo or header.

Each element in the web design process should be checked before it’s implemented into the website. This makes it much easier to determine if there are issues with a specific part of the code for that element.

Contrary to what some people think, the homepage of a website should be easy to navigate. A minimalistic approach to this page is crucial, so visitors don’t become overwhelmed. The subpages on your website are where you can include relevant information.

Ideally, your homepage will include the most important at the top of the page. This is because you want readers to be able to see that vital information before they start scrolling.

The homepage should also include vibrant imagery and a call-to-action button or link that makes it easy for visitors to make a purchase or initiate contact.

#2: Make Reading Easy

Your website should be easy to read. It’s essential to consider the page’s visual hierarchy when designing it. Start with the vital information at the top of the page. Use bolded, large titles to draw attention to those areas, so visitors know what they will read in that section. Make sure that each section of text is labeled correctly.

Having large blocks of text on a website isn’t a good idea. It’s always better to break things up into smaller chunks. Most readers aren’t going to read through your entire website. Instead, they’ll only scan content looking for keywords. Once they see the keywords they’re looking for, and they may read that section.

As you’re considering the text for your website, choose a contrasting color from the background to make it easy to see the letters. Opt for a single font face so that readers aren’t distracted by many different fonts.

If you have long lists of information to provide, consider using bulleted lists to relay them. Visitors to websites tend to focus more on those since they’re digestible bits of information. If you have much information to relay, consider using infographics to make it more attractive and easier to spot.

#3: Include Mobile Design

The vast majority of visitors to websites now are on mobile devices. This makes mobile-friendly web design a priority for all designers. Creating a mobile website is a little different than creating one for a desktop computer.

Typically, mobile websites have fewer page elements and are less cluttered than the standard website. The bottom line is that all visitors to your website, no matter what device they use, should be able to enjoy the website.

Because you’re creating websites for computers and mobile devices, you should avoid using background music. While it might seem like an excellent concept to have music, this can slow down a website considerably. Mobile users might be shocked if they open your website and random music starts playing.

#4: Comply with Accessibility Guidelines

Websites are expected to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. You can do this in several ways, and they’re relatively easy to implement into your website. The key is to ensure that someone who’s blind or hearing impaired can still navigate through your website and get information. These points can help you ensure ADA compliance:

  • Enable keyboard navigation controls
  • Use alt tags to describe media elements
  • Provide captions for all videos and audio clips
  • Make authentication accessible by allowing password managers and copy/paste
  • Leave controls visible and make dragging controls optional
  • Highlight ways for users to get help with the website

Making your website ADA-friendly could open your business up to a new demographic of customers. Many people appreciate inclusive companies, so showing this on your website is beneficial.

#5: Focus on Speed

One of the final tests that you need to run on your website is for speed and responsiveness. As you do this, you can determine what elements need to be altered. Some interactive elements might have to be resized to function correctly and work on all devices as intended.

Visitors to your website don’t want to wait for the elements on the page to load. The only way you can combat this is to ensure there isn’t any lag. Too much lag increases the chance of a bounce. A page with a 5-second load time has an increased bounce probability of 90%, rising to 106% at 6 seconds.

According to Adobe, around 47% of people expect a website to load in a maximum of two seconds. If your website takes longer, you risk visitors leaving for another website. This could take business away from your company and send it to a competitor.

Contact Our Experts in Web Design

Building a website is complex work that is best handled by professionals. The team at Infogenix makes it easier for you. Give us a call to learn more about how having a dedicated account manager and our easy-to-use Content Management System can benefit your company.


Established in 1998 and based in Orem, Utah, Infogenix was built from the ground up to be a different kind of web company. Rather than simply creating a website, Infogenix focuses on the whole of Internet presence, including managing, marketing, and advertising.

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