Book an Appointment on Google Search!

We have a lot of dental offices that we do SEO for. We have clients all over the country and target a lot of different regions.  Currently we don’t have any in Orem where we are located yet, which would be nice since I need a little help with my smile:

British teeth

But in all seriousness you are a business that is wanting to get more customers/clients/patients to come to you and use your services start to think about accessibility. It has been proven that the better accessibility they have to getting in contact with you, you are going to have more contacts and people interested in your business.  Which is where this new feature that Google has started to beta test comes in. The search space is evolving and changing all the time, and one of the newest features applies to dentists and other businesses that require customers to schedule an appointment.

Book an Appointment Google Search

On the right side you can see what is boxed in red which is where you can make an appointment right through your Google search! It’s that simple! They don’t even have to call into your office! They can fill out this form through intuit’s software Demandforce and it is submitted to your Google Calendar if that is what your office uses.

It is interesting to learn all of these cool new features that are being released and help make the work of finding a new customer easier and faster.  Not everyone is aware of this feature just yet, and getting yourself to stand out above the curve can be a great advantage to you over your competition.  Using resources like this along with a good internet marketing campaign can truly help your business to grow more and more.

Many dentists and other companies are beginning to realize that if a customer/patient is trying to find a new dentist/provider they more than likely  search online rather than the yellow pages like in times long ago!

Ok, so its only been in the last decade, but still in internet terms that is eons and eons of time! Don’t get yourself stuck in the past, and embrace the future of internet sales because that is going to truly bring in the best ROI for your business! We are here to help and want to talk to you about how much of a difference this can make! Please contact us and we will answer any questions that you have about this, or other SEO questions that you might be wondering about.

And if you’re a dentist in Orem let me know. I’d be happy to do some pro bono work for a little help with my smile! 😉

Jordan Colton

Jordan has worked in SEO for over 12 years on many local, national, and global campaigns. He is also Google Adwords Certified. You can read more about him on his website:

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