New Year, New Website

Ah, the new year. Full of goals, dreams, and resolutions. This isn’t just restricted to individuals, either. If you happen to be one of those unlucky businesses who hasn’t got around to getting a site redesign, what better time to change that than the new year? After all, everyone seems to know the power of a great website, so why not go out and upgrade your online presence? We’ll do our best to give you a few pointers right now so you can make your website the best it can possibly be later on.


Style, Layout, and Responsiveness

Let’s jump right into what you re going to need to know before you or someone you hire starts making your site. First things first, your site has to have a strong foundation before you can fluff it up and make it look nice. This means keeping things simple and easy to navigate. No one wants to spend half an hour sifting through pages before they find what they want; organizing your pages into groups will go a long way. If you’re using an e-commerce system, put all the best-selling items in one place, then break up all the other items into their own separate categories. Having some sort of organization in place will greatly help a customer’s ability to find what they want as fast as possible.



Keep Things Nice and Organized


Once you have a good basic layout for your website, it’s time to make it look appealing. This is where you really get to be creative; you want the design to convey what your business is about using nothing more than a few colors and some patterns. This can also be one of the hardest aspects to get right, and hiring a professional designer can always help. That being said, it never hurts to have an idea of what you want, even if you do end up paying someone to do it for you. Do your best to come up with what style will appeal to your audience. Having a strong design can buy you those few precious seconds when a person is deciding whether or not to stay on the site.


Last but certainly not least, you have to have a responsive website. This is another extremely tough part to get right, as there is so much possibility for variation. It will vary between designs, but you are essentially trying to make the website as good as you possibly can across all platforms. You will almost certainly need to hire an outside specialist for this (unless you have an employee with extensive experience in the field), but it is definitely worth it. With massively increased numbers in traffic outside of desktops, it is important to maintain a solid presence on any mobile devices out there.


Responsive Web Design

Make Your Site Look Good Across All Platforms