4 Reasons Responsive Web Design Is More Important Than Ever

There’s no denying the fact mobile devices are quickly becoming a household appliance. Over 50% of people in the U.S. live in constant reach of a smartphone or tablet, and many of them reach to it the moment they need to buy something. Well naturally this creates a demand for web sites that can function on mobile as well as desktop, and that means going above and beyond the bare minimum. Websites that “work” don’t necessarily make the cut when it comes to selling your product, and people have come to expect a certain standard from their browsing experience.


Mobile Devices

Over half of U.S. residents have a smartphone


What’s So Important About It?

Simply saying it’s important to have responsive web design doesn’t explain why. Yes, it is necessary to implement it, but just exactly why is it such an essential concept?

1) First off, and perhaps most apparent, is that bad websites drive visitors away. If you don’t capture someone’s attention in the first few seconds of their visit, they’re going to head straight for the back button. Obviously you can’t showcase your website to someone who can’t see it, meaning you can’t showcase your product. Plain and simple, bad websites lose business.


2) While most of us can recognize a bad website, it’s much harder to recognize a good one. One thing is certain, though: good websites look, well, good. Responsive web design does just that, making sites look attractive across all platforms. This goes a long way towards enhancing user experience, and will not only keep visitors on the page for longer, but can bring them back to make purchases again.


Responsive Web Design

Successfully designing websites on all platforms is a must


3) With massive amounts of growth in mobile devices sold each year, these users can’t be ignored any longer. Sites need to be designed for both desktop and mobile if companies plan on keeping customers around, and with over 200 unique screen resolutions out there, this can be quite the challenge. Responsiveness allows any and all screen sizes to display a site the way it’s meant to be, meaning everyone using a smartphone or tablet won’t have to worry about scrolling or resizing.


4) We’re at the point in time where some companies design their websites for all devices, but there is still a good number that don’t. Users are noticing this, though, and will browse search results until they find a site that looks good on whatever they’re using. This doesn’t just keep sites from bringing in new customers, it will lose them existing ones as well. Keeping a steady flow of income from online campaigns means adapting to what’s around you, and right now that’s responsive web design.